Depending on the accident, motorcyclists can suffer from a wide range of injuries. The most common include head trauma and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

Burns are another common motorcycle accident injury. They can be incredibly serious and require extensive medical treatment, including skin grafts. Often, they cause long-term physical and emotional complications. Visit Our Website to learn more.

Road Rashes

Road rash is one of the most common injuries that motorcyclists sustain in accidents. It occurs when the outer layer of skin is scraped away, leaving raw and inflamed tissue with a painful burning sensation. This is not something that can be easily ignored because it exposes the deeper layers of flesh to the elements, which can lead to a serious infection called sepsis or even death. It is important for anyone who has sustained this type of injury to seek medical care immediately after a motorcycle accident to avoid the risk of complications.

The skin may also tear or burn away, causing a wound that covers more than 10 percent of the body. In addition to extreme pain, this type of wound can cause severe bleeding, heat radiation, and exposed bone, muscle, tendons, and nerves. If a person’s nerves are affected, they will experience ongoing severe pain at the injury site for a long time after their crash.

This type of injury can occur because of either blunt-force trauma or penetration trauma. Blunt-force trauma results when the victim is thrown from their bike, while penetration trauma takes place when something sharp (such as glass or debris) pierces the outer layer of skin. Both types of injuries are incredibly dangerous, and any motorcyclist that is involved in a collision should wear gloves and elbow pads to reduce the risk of these devastating injuries.

Hand and arm injuries are also quite common in motorcycle accident victims because motorcyclists instinctively throw their arms out to protect themselves when flung from their bike. This can lead to broken bones, sprains, and nerve damage in the upper body. Specialized riding gloves and elbow pads can significantly lower this risk.

People with road rash may experience a lot of pain after their accident, and they often require medical care for weeks or even months. They might require surgical skin grafts, and they will likely incur substantial medical bills. This can have a dramatic impact on a person’s financial health, especially if they are not able to work or live a normal life.


Whether you were thrown from your bike or struck by another vehicle, a blow to the head can cause a serious brain injury. These are called traumatic brain injuries or TBIs. They can cause long-term problems including difficulty thinking and memory issues. You may also have difficulty with balance and coordination. These problems can be even worse if you were unhelmeted at the time of your accident.

You can suffer from soft tissue injuries in a motorcycle accident as well. These are injuries to the tendons, ligaments and muscles that surround and support bones and joints. These injuries can range in severity from minor bruises to severe strains and tears. Treatment for these injuries typically involves resting the affected area, applying ice, compression and elevation to reduce swelling. In some cases, physical therapy may be necessary.

According to the CDC, the most common types of motorcycle accident injuries are those to the legs and feet, followed by those to the head, face and neck. This data does not control for helmet use, which could explain why injuries to the head and neck are more frequent.

In some instances, a person who is involved in a motorcycle accident can suffer from permanent spinal cord injuries that impact the ability to walk and talk. These injuries can be caused by both blunt force trauma and penetration injuries. Blunt force trauma occurs when something impacts the body without breaking skin or piercing it, while penetration injuries occur when something sharp like a piece of debris from an accident penetrates the skull and brain, taking hair, skin and bone fragments with it.

A person who sustains a brain or spinal injury in a motorcycle accident is likely to incur expensive medical bills for hospitalization, surgery, medication and rehabilitation. They may also lose income while they are unable to work, which can add up quickly and create financial hardship. Compensation for these damages can help cover expenses so that a victim does not have to stress about paying their bills. It can also include money for pain and suffering.


Whether caused by contact with heat or friction, burn injuries in motorcycle accidents can be severe and have long-term effects on the victim. Burns may require physical therapy, skin grafts and other costly treatment. Often, these treatments will cause the victim to miss work and experience loss of income. Keeping track of all of the medical bills, receipts for medications to help with pain and other expenses associated with these traumatic injuries is essential.

Road rash is another painful injury that can be difficult to heal from. It happens when the rider is thrown off of their bike and their clothing makes contact with abrasive surfaces like concrete or asphalt. This can tear away the top layer of skin and leave open wounds that are at risk for infections. Those who are suffering from road rash in a motorcycle accident due to someone else’s negligence should make sure they have access to quality legal representation.

Muscle injuries are also common among motorcycle accident victims. Many riders will stretch out to try and catch their falling motorcycle in a crash, leading to injuries of the legs and lower extremities. These types of injuries can include fractures, dislocations and torn ligaments. In more serious accidents, a rider can suffer from spinal injuries that could affect their mobility and result in permanent damage.

Spinal injuries are one of the most dangerous injuries that can be sustained in a motorcycle accident, especially in high-speed crashes. Depending on the severity of the injury, it can lead to permanent paralysis or even death. Typically, the most common spinal injuries are to the thoracic spine (chest) but other parts of the spine can be damaged as well.

Injuries to the ribs, abdomen and back are also common for motorcyclists. In many cases, these injuries are due to the rider being thrown off their bike and being dragged on the ground. This can lead to abrasions, lacerations and bruises to the torso and lumbar spine. Additionally, many older riders tend to use larger bikes and this can increase the likelihood of thoracic injuries.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are a particularly severe type of injury that can alter an accident victim’s life in a profound way. A spinal cord injury can result in either incomplete or total paralysis. Spinal injuries can also lead to other serious physical and emotional issues, including loss of feeling in the limbs, chronic pain, breathing problems, and sexual dysfunction. At Nigel Law Firm, we understand the long-term costs associated with a spinal cord injury and can help victims and their families seek compensation to cover expenses such as years of rehabilitation, medical equipment, around-the-clock nursing care, and lost wages.

Spine injuries can occur in a variety of ways, depending on the accident circumstances and the location of the injury. For instance, if a motorcyclist is thrown from their bike, they may suffer a spine injury in the thoracic region (mid-back) of the body because this area of the spine is prone to hyperflexion. Motorcyclists in a head-on collision or an accident with a large object are also more likely to suffer a spinal cord injury because these types of accidents can exert massive amounts of force on the body.

Head and neck injuries are common in motorcycle crashes because of the lack of protection a bike provides its riders. Even if a rider is wearing a helmet, they could suffer a skull fracture or traumatic brain injury (“TBI”). The impact of such an injury can affect a person’s memory, concentration, and mood. It can also cause permanent damage to the brain, resulting in long-term symptoms.

Lower extremity injuries, like broken bones in the legs and pelvis, can be serious. Motorcyclists are often thrown from their bikes during accidents and can land on hard surfaces, causing bone fractures in the legs and pelvis. Injuries to the thorax and abdomen are also common because of the limited coverage that motorcycles provide for these areas of the body.

TBIs are a common motorcycle accident injury and can have a serious impact on a victim’s life. Because of the potential complications a TBI can have, it is critical to seek medical attention immediately after an accident. TBIs and other head injuries can result in long-term disabilities or even death.